In the still icy cold my brother takes sunrise pictures and we wait for the KOA office to open so we get the wifi code.
At 8am we walk over to find neither the office open nor the clock inside the office to show 8am. So our guess was right.
An our later the offices does open and we're learning that Arizona indeed does not change to daylight savings time. It's pretty easy, says the owner, in summer they
have the same time as California and in winter it's the same as in Colorado.

At the same time as 3 bus loads of frenchmen we walk along the touristy part of Seligman. Heureusement, we are the only ones to discover Frank and Lynne's Historic Seligman Sundries, a small and cramped but colorful shop. Just like the original sundries this one offers a little bit of everything, except for the pharmacy part, explains Lynne. We're telling her, we're from Germany, and she mentions her last name: Geyer. She's from Tauber-Bischofsheim, which to our educated guess is about 400 miles from Berlin. 'It's a small world,' she says.
The rest of the shows is filled with those typical souvenirs we have seen along the way, a little kitschy, but nice somehow. I want to have an ice cream cone at the Snow Cap, but the guy tells me I can't have a sundae since it is only Friday. Ha ha.
Back on Route 66 towards Kingman past Peach Springs. We stop at the Grand Canyon Caverns to do a 45-minute-tour. Cute little Kay rattles down her text with some jokes here and there, making it quite a fun tour - even for my brothers *g*
Back on the surface and on Route 66 there's some more of our beloved nothing. The landscape is scarce, but nice somehow. In Mesa Vista, on the outskirts of Kingman, there's civilization *smile* Larger houses and even a golf course sporting bright green grass.
We need a coffee break now before we continue through what is left of Route 66 in Kingman. A bit disappointing - or did we miss something? Eventually, we're back on the interstate to Needles. Not much Route 66 left here either: a run-down motel, out of service but at least occupied by someone. No use to stay, so we continue along the Colorado River going north to Bullhead City. On our way we stop for a beautiful sunset (and more pictures *smile*).

Bullhead City is larger than we expected, streching out along the river. On the northern end of it, we find the RV park we were looking for. El Rio Waterfront, at the immediate waterfront indeed. But the river has to wait for the next day. For now we're enjoying our BBQ, marshmallows and the nice evening temperatures.
Miles travelled by RV: 177
Current location: Bullhead City, AZ
Next stops: Oatman, AZ, Hoover Dam and Las Vegas, NV
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