Freitag, November 04, 2005

Thank God it's Friday

Week went by in no time. Busy, busy, busy.

Laptop's been okay for a while now. Should I put away the monitor now? Bet it starts all over again ;)

Decided to participate in "Weihnachten im Schukarton" (Christmas in a shoe box) some weeks ago. Bought all kinds of stuff and took some I already had at home:
  • scarf, hat, gloves,
  • toe socks,
  • pencils and coloured pencils,
  • writing books and a colouring book,
  • playing cards (Sorry, Abel, but it's for a good purpose),
  • a teddy bear,
  • chocolate,
  • tooth brush, tooth paste, soap, cleaning towl
  • pony tail holders, cream
  • ...
Had a hard time closing the box. Had to leave out the drawing pad and one little notebook.
Hope the little girl who receives it will like it.

1 Kommentar:

Derrick Loo hat gesagt…

hey, see that you've got your new blog site up.. quite interesting to see that your affinity with computers is not too great.. haha.. by the way, nice site, would be better if it's more decorated.. haha